Jul 25, 2008 17:55
I had the wierdest dream last night. I was being rounded up with other Rabble Rousers (rabble rabble rabble), we were all put on the same bus, one those long yellow school buses. As we made our way to the school or dention area..looked more school like to me..
As we came in we had to pass through this short tunnel as we enter and exiting the bus was covered in yellow paint..so as we exited said bus we were covered in paint as well.
This place was set up for people who were not sheep and spoke what was in thier minds and didn't follow the posted laws. I remember we were collared and such, if we spoke out of turn..we got zapped, were some place where we were not suppose to be..zapped, you get the general idea.
Well me being me..i got zapped a lot..and kept getting up and zapped again, time and again. Towards the end of the dream my neck, wrists and ankles had burns on them from being zapped so much.
One of the last thigns I remember was being like a tomb, tomb with a large screen, had yellow and black random shapes on said screen, blinking and flashing. The room was filling with green gas, the door was closing and i was being entombed in said place. Was a strange strange dream indeed.
Mom's and future step dad's Anaversery is tomorrow, they been together for 2 years now and plan on getting married next year..they moved the date back a year..was suppose to be this year but they changed thier minds. I like the guy he is good to mom.
So far birthday plans are such, planning a BBQ, booze of corse, and have a place set up for it..only problem is when I would like it for the end of august..but we will see about that. I'll post more later once I know more things. Until next time dear readers..