Long weekend coming to a close...

May 19, 2008 03:05

The treck started in La Ronge, waking up at 7am to get to work by 8am. As my loyal readers can tell I love to cook and tell great stories (reminds me i should do both at the same t aime for the pack some time). I spent the morning doing prep work, all in all it's not that hard just time consuming yet it helps with my skills. I move from cooler to work station to buffet table to cooler, rinse and repeat.
 I have said it before that you need a thick skin to work in a kitchen, we tell some rather nasty jokes about each other, which can include ones sexual prefance, looks, age and any thing under the sun. One thing i love about working in the kitchen is I can forget about the outside world, just concentrate on what i'm creating.

Around 1:30 quiting time arrives, yay, K and I go to my place to get my stuff for the trip. We make our way out of town by 2:30. I snoozed most of the way. she is a careful driver, we arrive about 15minutes to spare, as in arriving in P.A.  I snooze more on the bus to saskatoon.  I arrive about 20 to 8. Low and behold i'm meet by Mr.Mann and Eowyn (yay), I'm starving by this point as in I didn't have much to eat all day. We find a spot after standing in the wrong line..damn ice-cream line. We wait about a half hour or so (they were changing the cooking oil then and i expected as much). As I ask the teeny booper waitress to tell the scullery techion to hurry with our dishes so we could eat quickly. Low and behold said scullery guy is allowed from his well..i'm not sure what to call it..lets be polite and work place..yes that will do. We say hi to scullery guy said claim said poster is scruffy..i mean really..how drool.
  we spend hours just talking and catching up..some time during said visit  LittleInjun shows up..(ok late..tired..will continue later..))
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