The latest campaign from PETA is one where they're trying to get people to start calling fish "sea kittens." Their reasoning is, who could possibly kill and eat a sea kitten? This reasoning is ridiculous. When I hear the term "sea kitten," I don't picture kittens swimming around in the sea. That would be silly. I don't picture the adorable little characters on PETA's website. I picture fish. And in my humble opinion, there's nothing cute about fish. I mean, I'm not going to eat them just because they're not cute cuddly creatures (although that seems to be the impression PETA is trying to give), but other people wouldn't stop eating them just because they were cute, cuddly creatures. Besides, anyone who's taken a linguistics course or even just read Shakespeare would know that wording doesn't matter. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. In other words, you can call them whatever the fuck you want, but it won't change the fact that they're slimy, scaly, underwater creatures with fins and gills. Of course, the converse statement is that bullshit by any other name would smell as foul. So continue with your little campaign, PETA, because we know what it really is.
You can go
here to learn more about their campaign.