I fucking hate PETA

Dec 28, 2008 21:09

My God, I can't believe these people! They know no more about pet health than the pet food companies they condemn. Guess what they're up to now? Oh, yeah. You guessed it. Promoting a vegan/vegetarian diet for cats and dogs.

Now, there are some facts about cat diets that should be considered before putting a cat on a *~WoNdErFuL, hEaLtHiFuL vegan diet. Cats are natural carnivores. Period. They eat meat almost exclusively in the wild, and most of the vegetation cats eat in the wild are for the fiber and/or to help them puke up hairballs. So much for your veggie cat food. That's going to be one cat puking up a LOT of hairballs. Another fact is that cats don't need grains in their diet. Of any shape or form. At all. Period. As this knowledge is becoming more accessable, more and more cat food brands are cutting out grains and providing a high percentage of meat.

This brings me back to the topic of veganism in cats. Given that cats eat almost exclusively meat in the wild, doesn't it seem a little bit...unnatural, unhealthy, unethical, and, gee, I don't know, wrong to cut meat out of your cat's diet? I mean, come on here, people. These people are advertising these vegan pet foods as "cruelty-free" foods, but what could be more cruel than depriving your cat of its natural, healthy diet? This is hypocracy in its most beautiful, ironic form. If you're concerned about what's in your pet's food, stop being a big fucking crybaby, buckle down, and do some research. Simply feed your pets foods made with organic, human-grade meats (to avoid the 4-D's), without any bone meal or by-products, and don't buy your pet food from grocery stores (except maybe Whole Foods or Natural Grocers). That's the most ethical way to go about choosing your pet's food, not by cutting meat out of their diets.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for veganism/vegetarianism. I mean, I myself am a vegetarian. Veganism/vegetarianism is a very good thing. For humans. But I would never think of forcing my beliefs on my pets.

peta, veganism/vegetarianism, rant

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