Jun 18, 2005 17:19
ANother good week! WOrked sunday through wednesday as always and got 484 on my check so im makin good $$$ and hopfully it can stay that way i just gotta keep savin and savin!
ANd in the world of gamblin ive been doin good. last 2 times at the track i came out on top. So thats goin good but the question is for how long will that be???
In other news im waitin for the response on refinancin our house so i can A. Go to school and B. Get a jeep. Then once i get teh jeep the motor of the mustang is comin out AGAIN! but its all fun in my eyes.
Oh and i got a bottle for my birthday WOO HOO nothin like that for a present... THANKS KYLE AND MICHELLE!
Oh yea i went and saw nunnay (tatoo guy) sihts gunna be $130 which isnt bad at all. sad thing is im think bout gettin a 2nd one already! but i doubt it. not now adleast.
Well childern im out for now
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