(no subject)

May 06, 2004 20:24

Today hasn’t start off too great. I’m (as predicted) sicker today than yesterday. That sucks. And there’s another thing. I’m in 1st period again! Last time this happened I wrote 3 ½ pages. So here we go again. Last night was the Mother’s Day Mass at Manresa. It was cool, but there were a few mishaps. Lily and Nikki were supposed to dance before the mass started, but they started at like halfway through it. Also when we were walking in for the flowers for the mothers we were supposed to be singing, but we weren’t. But they didn’t know the difference. It took forever to get Mikey (I’ll give you the necklace tomorrow) on the podium. So after the mass Lily, Nikki, Maria, Marlon, Bobby, and me went driving around the De Leon residence for food (we ended up almost at International Mall). So we ended up going to the Wendy’s and eating at Casa O De Leon (and by we eating I mean Lily, Nikki, and Marlon). I ended getting home at like 12:30 and my parents weren’t mad (YAY!!!). I thought they were going to kill me. But obviously they didn’t. Damn tangents! So anyways, I had a journal for yesterday, but I never typed it up. I might have to because it’s quite humorous. An hour left in this class and I think I’m going to ask my 3rd period teacher If I can go to my coaches class because I don’t believe I can handle the smell of paint again {if you read the long journal from Tuesday you would know that they are painting a mural on one of the walls (I can’t smell too good)}. If that happens I might just write because I don’t feel like reading the newspaper. So today we have mat practice (so far) which should be cool. Funny thing happened yesterday. As some of you know I did a little commercial break thingy for the first 2 journals (the second hasn’t been typed yet). Well in 6th period yesterday I had to make one about something in the newspaper. Isn’t it ironic, don’t ya think? It’s
like raiian… Ahh my nose hurts from wiping it. The pain. The agony. Well 3rd period we were reading and now I’m in 5th period. We got 20 minutes left before school ends. So we were talking about suicide and drugs here in Psych class, but I keep on falling asleep. I tried paying attention, but to no avail. So practice is going to suck because I have to record stupid stuff like how many laps they can run in 12 minutes. These people can barely run a mile in 12 minutes right now. Ehh it happens. In 3rd we were talking about some book called The Four Agreements (3rd period is Philosophy/World Religions). It’s a book about 4 agreements that you should make in your life to be happy. It sounds like it would work, but that junk is hard to do. I suggest the book though I think it’s written by Miguel Ruiz. Man I just want to go home and go to sleep, but it’s not going to happen. Every time I’m asleep in the afternoon/evening I don’t hear the end of it. My dad always asks “What’s wrong?” and he can’t accept that I’m just tired for an answer (by the way when my dad gets home it’s not odd to see him asleep). Anyways, I got 5 minutes left before I have to put up with the whining. This is crap. I need to get a coaching card so that I can run mat practice. Also, Owen (my coach) wants me to be a “zebra” (official referee). It pays pretty good, ($20 an hour but you only work 2 hours) but whatever I’m just going to do it as a favor. The thing is that I have to go to Ft. Lauderdale to take the test. So I’m tired of typing so I’ll do what happened after practice tomorrow or something.
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