Sep 06, 2004 16:14
But never too many beers though! lol. Hit up the fireworks last night with farts mc.gee, c-dub, my momma, sister and her little bebe(donovan). We got the V.I.P. spot to watch the fireworks cuz i got it like that. We got to sit up in Mt.Adams between the celestial high rise and the Rookwood Pottery Resturaunt overlookin the whole city. To actually see the fireworks and be eye level with them is just something u just have to experience. It was a good time over all, except the fact that there was this little punk ass kid who seemed to know everything about fireworks, EVERYTHING! Little fucker talked through the entire show! ***NOTE TO SELF, REMEMBER TO CHOKE THAT LITTLE SUCKA IF U SEEM HIM ON THE STREET, EVER!!!*** We got to drink and all drinks were only $2, but the only beer they has was Sam Adams and Sam Adams Light on tap, so my nigga farty didnt really get to drink ne beers, but me and c-dub tore some beers up. Then we jacked these swole ass balloons that barely fit in the car, little did I know that the damn colors were rubbin off when i touched the balloon, so my mom got some laughs at my expense because I had blue shit all over my face like it was Halloween. lol. ***NOTE TO SELF, KICK MY MOMS ASS!!!!*** LOL. I got home bout 12 and went to my uncles house and drank some more beers(bout 8 or 9) and ended up talkin to my aunt who is mixed bout the word nigga. She says its racist even if its used in a friendly manner... who knows she had massss beers. So I finally got home at 6 a.m. after enduring the nigga discussion and hearin a freakin sermon bout the Bible. Over all a good night.
Good lookin out on the new look for my journal farts mc.gee! lookin tight "nigga" lol. holla back my fellow negroids.