.0100 - All Nightmares Escaped My Head, Bar the Door, Please Don't Let Them In

Oct 12, 2012 01:40

8.01 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
1,525 words
Title from Radical Face
Teaser: They have both been through Hell, the same part of Dante’s journey, and it still wasn't the same. Sam’s version of Purgatory is probably nothing but a faint infusion of what Dean’s truly gone through...

. )

genre: angst, year: 2012, genre: h/c, timeline: s8, genre: past rl, category: episode, length: 1k to 5k, → verse → lost in a daydream, .pairing: dean/sam, genre: wincest

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Comments 19

borgmama1of5 October 12 2012, 02:37:53 UTC
Sam caring is what I want to see.


jojothecr October 12 2012, 19:36:12 UTC
Don't we all? I don't think he doesn't care now, I think he simply doesn't know what to do.


maypoles October 13 2012, 02:59:15 UTC
I love how this deals with Dean's trauma, and also the look you give us into Sam's headspace this season.

ETA: Idk if you're crossposting, etc., so no worries either way, obvs, but I was just thinking this might go over well at hoodie_time if you are. ;) (I'm a mod there.)


jojothecr October 13 2012, 15:57:02 UTC
Thank you. :)

I feel like people are judging Sam way too hard and early this season. I'm fairly sure there'll be much more revealed as we go, and that Sam had reasons why he 'wasn't' looking for Dean.

I'll happily re-post it over there. Thank you.


maypoles October 13 2012, 20:00:03 UTC

And yeah, I agree. Even if there's no big reveal, I know Sam's actions are coming out of a place of trauma (losing Dean, again, losing everyone) and are sympathetic to me. Hopefully they'll highlight that a bit more onscreen.


(The comment has been removed)

runedgirl October 14 2012, 02:58:33 UTC
Poor broken boys.....heartbreaking, but I can't help but put great faith in Sam's ability to bring his brother back :)


jojothecr October 15 2012, 10:20:29 UTC
Yes, I have faith in him, too. People are mad at him and I want them to be wrong. After all, it's Sam we're talking about.

Thank you for reading! :)


grean October 14 2012, 03:00:54 UTC
Crying over here.


jojothecr October 15 2012, 10:22:35 UTC
Sorry about that... Tissue?


Edition 2,362 livejournal October 14 2012, 04:09:20 UTC
User clex_monkie89 referenced to your post from Edition 2,362 saying: [...] by (NC-17) All Nightmares Escaped My Head, Bar the Door, Please Don't Let Them In [...]


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