Dec 01, 2004 12:47
today i was feeling really down because my mom had pissed me off
but then i got to school.
the news of the year was on everyone's mind
and radio is you listen to 95.7
anyway, here it goes
free(off of 106 and park) is pregnant by Jay-Z(supposedly Beyonce's man)
i could not believe that stuff.
they said that matthew knowles(beyonce's dad) was crying and begging Free to have an abortion. they said that she is keeping it and her last appearance on the show will be in December. i was so mad about what happened last night, but i couldn't help laughing and smiling. there is going to be some stuff going on now. and then it's out into the public. i thought that beyonce was going to settle him down and make him softer. while she out talking about "losing her breath" he is over at Free's house giving her a heir to his enterpenauer money. wow
i am supposed to leave friday, if my mom doesn't completely go out of her mind and not let me go. i am going with 3 other girls and we plan on staying till Sunday. shhhh!! the others who be constantly plotting and having their own clique plan on staying, too. they just put on that act for Mrs. Wilkins. but basically don't nobody just want to stay one night and then go. we plan on driving to troy. this should be fun.
well, i hope that everyone has a good day and rest of the week, because all of this week has been screwed up for me and i am emotionally strained.
peace, love, and life, ppl