Feb 01, 2005 23:05
so, tonight i watched that show
on mtv called my super sweet 16.
it's a show where they document
these girls planning huge parties
for their 16th birthdays.
good lord it is ridiculous how
spoiled some kids are. this girl
had such a huge party it could
have been a wedding! she went to
paris to find a fucking dress for
the party, got a brand new car,
and i think she had breast
implants (AT 15 YEARS OLD!), and
somehow she found ways to complain
about what she was getting. man,
when i turned 16 i had a party in
my parent's garage with food, music,
and a pinata (breast implants not
included). oh, and i got my mom's
1990 buick park avenue (the best
car i ever had by the way), and
i didn't complain about it. man,
some people just have way too
much money. money is nice to have
but i think it is evil!