Life just is sometimes.....

Mar 25, 2009 11:30

I can't fully articulate why but lately it seems I have had an overwhelming feeling of feeling "burnt out", tired and withdrawn.  I know my personailty type is usually that of a "people pleaser" and often I forget to put some of my own needs first and I believe that may have alot to do with my frame of mind of late.  Over the past year and-a-half, I have put my own needs on the backburner because I felt it was more important to put the needs of others before mine (i.e. support system for Rob, as well as various family members and friends, etc.).  I have this feeling that maybe it has all finally bottle necked and perhaps I haven't processed through it or properly dealt with it.  I usually feel like I am person who has a good handle on things but maybe I don't have as good of handle on it all as I'd like to think.  I really have been trying to psycho-analyze myself and perhaps that's dangerous and should be left to professionals.  I don't know.  What my instincts do tell me is that I really need to verbalize my needs more to the people around me.  I long for such simple things like having the house all to myself for just a few hours (something that hasn't happened in months and months), just longing to enjoy a single day of solitude.   I know it hasn't happened because I have been too busy taking care of others and neglecting to take care of me.  If I don't get a handle on this then I am afraid I may start to lose myself and that just cannot happen.  I really just feel I am stuck in a rut and I'm trying to figure out what it is going to take to overcome this feeling.
I'll figure it out.  I always do.  I am an optmist.
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