Looking ahead to 2009!!!!!!

Dec 31, 2008 13:24

The past 12 months have been one heck of a ride in more ways than one! There were alot of curve-balls that reared their heads in 2008 and I really won't be sad to see 2008 fade out as the new year is about to ring in. This is going to sound weird for those who don't get it, but I am thankful for all the experiences (good and bad) encountered this past year (as well as in years past) as I do believe one can make the most of bad situations/events in one's life and emerge a stronger and better person for having gone through those kinds of experiences.

There are still adjustments happening all the time and I am sure everything will fall into sync in its proper time and place so that it can make room for something else that will need to fall into sync. After all isn't life about constantly falling into sync? It seems once one obstacle is overcome then there's another one to face down the road. Overcoming an obstacle today merely helps with getting better at overcoming obstacles in the future. I often remind myself that overcoming obstacles is simply a condition of life and you just have to face obstacles head on even when you may not want to face them.

While reflecting on 2008 and pondering what's ahead in 2009, I want to document a gratitude list right now of things that pop into my head during these next few minutes as I continue to write this entry, so here it goes and it certainly is in no priority order:

I am grateful for my health (mental, physical & spiritual), for my love Rob, for transportation (car), for a roof over my head, for music, for ipods, for having known Rob's dad while he was alive on this earth, for my brother, my mother, my mother's strength, inspiration, wisdom, perservance and unconditional love, my sister, my nieces, my dad and his wife and their adopted kids (now my step-siblings), for Rob's family and in particular my new live-in mother-in-law (may we always make the best of it), for Rob's health, for health-insurance, for Mile Hi Church, for ALL my supportive and loving friends, for living in beautiful Colorado and having access to the mountains, for television and the ability to DVR (LOL), for food (may we all eat healthier in the new year), for my new man-cave in the basement (a place to escape and have me time), for healthy finances, for good credit, for a computer, for a wonderful boss at work, for my job, for the hope that Barack Obama inspires while leading us into the future, for Harvey Milk, for dreams, for the kindness of strangers, for opportunities, for a good night's sleep, for stability, for hot showers, for a garage to house my car, for a morning cup of coffee, for Benny's Mexican restaurant, for the gift of laughter, for beautiful sunsets, for the LOGO channel, to be able to celebrate the holidays, for Broadway musicals (going to see "The Jersey Boys" tonight at the DCPA), for the ambience a fireplace creates, for bargain shopping after x-mas and for turning negatives into positives!

Okay it's been about 5 minutes and I realize I could probably go on with my gratitude list but I just wanted to write down the things that popped into my head for this 5 minute period. It'll be interesting to go back and read it at some point in the future.  I know that my life's journey, as everyone else's, will always be full of twists and turns and that it can circle back and forth from time to time.  I just need to sit back and allow the journey of each challenge and each triumph to unfold the way the the universe intends it to unfold and trust that it is all for the greatest good!

Well, I am signing off for 2008.

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