my weekend organizing project

Oct 03, 2009 12:08

I was excited that I was able to make things more organized in the kitchen this weekend, was getting tired of discovering multiple open bags of rice because they were stored in like three places, or not really being sure what kinds of pasta I have, and poorly piled bags and packets of food that don't stack well...

Another trip to Daiso (like a Japanese import dollar store, lots of plastic containers!) to get more baskets and stacking canisters helped a bit with taking the next baby step in organizing (I've been working on this cupboard for some time since I don't have a lot of kitchen storage space, I have kitchenware stored in the linen closet, seriously...).

I was proud also that when I started getting tired rather than leaving the cupboard covered in food and a half-finished project, I decided I better listen to flylady's advice not to take out more than you can put back when you're organizing, and took five minutes to stuff the leftover cans back in the cupboards, even if it meant the cabinets weren't perfect anymore, at least things are put away, right? And I can go back later and fix those things...

Anyway, just thought I'd share my after picture (sorry, forgot to take a before picture) in case it might be inspiring to anyone else contemplating a pantry reorg or in case anyone might have any brilliant ideas on how to better utilize the limited space :)

(if you click on the photo, there's notes on the photo on flickr)


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