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Nov 16, 2008 19:40

This week I forgot to check what was at the top of my netflix queue...so I ended up with "The Cure"...which I wasn't super-excited about because it looked kind of like a sappy halmark movie (which it almost could have been with a little less swearing and a couple other things), but when I started watching it I started really getting a kick out of it...Brad Renfro in the movie looked like the spitting image of the styles and looks that were popular when I was in junior high...I love his cute haircut in the movie...and the kids (both him and all the bullys) all wearing t-shirts a couple sizes too big brings back memories...baggy was "in"....even the cars like the old boxy volvos with the headrests with three bars across....and so on and so forth...

When I looked back at the sleeve...no wonder it just feels like you were stepping back in time...Brad Renfro was only about 6 months younger than me, and the movie came out in 1995...the year I graduated from 8th grade....it really is junior high all over again to watch...especially being about a topic like aids which was kind of...newsy...in those days....and not in an "old hat" kind of way....like to the point where they'd have dialogue like "You can get aids from a blood transfusion too you know...you don't have to be gay to get aids.....I'm not a faggot and neither is he..."

Anyway...just thought I'd share that because it amuses me to think back to days when I was cutting out pictures of movie stars like Devon Sawa and Brad Renfro out of my magazines because you know...they were cute...and when you're 13, that kind of stuff seems exciting ;-)
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