"X-Men: The Last Stand" was supa dupa!
I think that the movies just keep getting better and better!!!
Although I am not familiar with the comics, but only the animated tv series, I still loved the whole freakin movie. I'm getting back into my obsession mode where this movie is all I will be talking about for the rest of the week...no, no, better make it month.
Oh, and Daphne: YES IT DID MOVE!
K, well I am determined to not spoil any of the movie for anyone who reads this, so I made this totally safe to read...I re-read it afterwards too. I will refrane from going into too much detail, like names and such. However...
According to the saga of the Phoenix in the animated show, the whole Jean-to-Phoenix happens in outer space. And no, Phoenix is not evil right away. She is helpful, and tries to save the universe by protecting a crystal that can hold the power of the universe...she flies into the sun with it so that no one could ever get their hands on it and try to take over. She later refuses to leave Jean Grey's body because she loves being human and then begins to destroy stars and stuff because she is feeding on them for energy. (Dark Phoenix)
Of course, the movie doesn't go like this at all. And to tell you the truth, as much as I loved the show on tv, I'm glad the movie is...well...better, to say the least. I don't know if it follows what happens in the comics or not, but I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE ENDING!
The only few things I am confused about are some of the people they killed off, and some of the mutants they "unmutanized" No, names will NOT be given, don't worry. I really don't think one of them is dead, considering they just "assumed" he/she was killed...like they did with Jean in the second movie. But if that person really is dead...well, then it was really cheap. He/She can't be dead, because I love them too much! Stupid idiot died right in the first 1/2 hour. C'mon! Have some endurance!
Oh, and I really screwed up on the whole relationship thingy. From what I had remembered from the show, I thought that Wolverine later on had a thing for Rogue. However, it was just because I was 8 and the drawings of Rogue and Jean looked similar enough...I guess I just remembered wrong. In the show, Wolverine always had a crush on Jean Grey. Rogue ends up with Gambit, the guy who throws cards as a power (wierd, i know). I always liked Gambit, along with Beast (he was one of my favourites).
As far as characters go in X-Men 3, Phoenix is so freakin cool, and kind of creeps you out (she loves killing everyone..you'll see!). Angel is so effin beautiful (kate was saying that his powers are just looking so amazing in the sky that everyone will stop and stare, so other x-men can strike). Kitty Pryde is good, and Juggernaught is in this too (big guy with huge helmet that robs banks). A blowfish guy, and a guy who can clone himself in an instant also make an appearance. Kelsey Grammer is the best Beast you could ever get! There was no Jubilee and there was no Nightcrawler ...bummer.
Does anyone know if "X-Men 3: The Last Stand" is the last movie? By the looks of how they finished it, it doesn't seem to be. I would hate if that was the end. And the movies just keep getting better...
Here are some pictures to modivate you to see the movie if you weren't already thinking of seeing it...
Pictures: 1) Colossus
2) Mystique in captivity
3) Beast
4) Kitty Pryde
5) Angel spreads his wings
6) the multiplying man...don't know his name
7) Jean Grey making out with Logan? Or is it Phoenix?....Dun Dun Dunn!!!
Go to
http://www.x-menthelaststand.com for some AMAZING pictures and movie clips