Chibis for Charity!

Mar 28, 2011 12:45

Since my auction over at help_japan is going so well, I was thinking of offering a less-expensive way for people to donate while getting a little something in return (and I'd be able to participate in donating too!).

I thought it would be fun to offer little chibi drawbles in exchange for $2.99 LiveJournal Charity V-Gifts!

For every Charity V-gift that someone gives me, I will draw them a chibi character of their choice. The V-gift doesn't have to be for Japan - it can be for the NZ Quake or Doctors Without Borders or whatever (the Help Japan V-Gift goes to Doctors Without Borders for Japan anyway). Just give, and you shall receive! As long as it's a Charity V-Gift! :)

And if you give me two V-gifts, I'll draw 2 Chibis! In any position you want. XDDD Yes, that's correct - Chibi Buttsex for 2 Charity V-gifts! (doesn't have to be buttsex - I was just kidding, but it is an option if you want it)


( Example of one of my chibis)

( Example of Chibi Buttsex) LMAO. Not Work Safe!

Once you've made your donation, you can leave a comment here with your request or PM me if you'd rather keep your request anon. The V-Gift cannot be anonymous though, or I won't have proof you're the one who donated.

I'll draw any rating as long as the person requesting very naughty stuff is 18+. No furries, please!

public, help_japan

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