whoooo i had a suuuper fun day today!! well we took math taks today, i thought i wasnt gonna remember shit cuz i took math last semester but it was actually really easy....but anyways to the fun part!!! let me see, after skool was just a regular splinky and pollo negro day, we drove around and did nothing debating on what we should do, so we drank a little (well he did), went to best buy, and so he made me drive and i didnt know what to do so i just stopped by my house. we stood outside for like an hour by jeepy just talking about how i could get money and it was FUCKING hot. and i decided i would clean his jeep for him. so i took it to get vaccuumed, then we brought it back and i washed all the outside as best i could, then i used little lysol wipes for the inside and glass cleaner for all the windows and at the end i sprayed it with febreeze. so after that he didnt wanna waste anymore gas and didnt wanna dirty it so we picked up his old shitty sentra lol. it has a mexican liscence plate and all those little mexican lisence plate stickers on it so he was driving all crazy it was awesome. he was all excited to drive it again and shit lol, man that thing is kinda shitty, but not as bad as roys hah. so we met up with celso and alan at the hookah bar and i saw jess there. alan and celso went all crazy when they saw the sentra. we took off to espumas, i beat gera at chess, then the guys left and me and gera went to eat at wendys. we were fucking hyper for some reason and we laughed our asses off, omg it was great!! i swear i havent laughed that hard in sooo long!! and on the way home we sang and screamed that fuckin awesome catch 22 song the whoooooooooooooooooah (1234, 1234) one lol i love it!! its my new favorite song!! so anyways that was my day, i had alotta fun :). okay well ill talk to you niggas ladaaas thats all i wanted to say lol. bye you guyyyyyz!!
1. Been so drunk you blacked out: sure i guess so
2. Missed school cuz it was raining: no, i was sick....
3. Put a body part on fire for amusement: nah
4. Been hurt emotionally: wooooooooooah wooooooah i love that song
5. Kept a secret from everyone: well it wouldnt be a secret then now would it?
6. Had an imaginary friend: his name is derick alexander...you guys all thought he was real but he isnt
7. Cried during a movie: lifetime movies dude...seriously
8. Had a crush on a teacher: eeelk
9. Ever thought an animated character was hot: oooh yes kenshin baby
11. Been on stage: yep
12. Cut your hair: yes that i did, and i deeply regret it *tear*
13. Shampoo: pantene pro v and loreal kids
16. Day/Night: night of course
17. Summer/Winter: summatiiime and the livins easy
18. Lace or Satin: satin
19. Fave Cartoon character: meowth from pokemon, it would so rock to have him as a pet
20. Fave Food: brownies that legs makes :P
21. Fave Advert: what?
Fave Ice Cream: hmm i really dotn know
24. Fave Subject: coloring!! :D
25. Fave Drink(s): root beer, water, 'weiser, it aint a night without keystone light, aaaaand michelob lol
26. Fave person(s): shpooky, pollo negro, kassy baby, my lunch krew, and all coffin krew uuuuh
27. Quote: "its a valid reason for stronger drinks"
-----------------RIGHT NOW-----------------
27. Wearing: the von dutch shirt i got for v day lol amerrican eagle jeans, praise the lord socks lol, luigi shoes.
30. Eating: tounging at that place i keep on accidently biting really hard
31. Drinking: the extra spit in my mouf
32. Thinking about: that awesome song
-------------IN THE LAST 24 HOURS-------------
33.Listened to: that hella awesome song
34.Cried: my eyes got watery
35.Worn a skirt: nope
36.Met someone new: yes that awesome guy who was our server guy at wendys albert!!
37.Cleaned your room: my maid did
38.Done laundry: i did jeepy laundry....
39. Drove: yup yup
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN---------------
40. Yourself?: you bet
41. Your Friends? of course
42. Santa clause? never
43. Tooth Fairy? nope
44. Destiny/Fate? occasionaly
45. Angels? youre an angel, you little devil...
46. Ghosts? i believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhyhm of my heart
47. UFO'S? sure
------------FRIENDS AND LIFE-----------------
48. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: his initials are ck.....(take a guess nigga gs......coffin krooo!! corny i know..)
49. Who's the loudest? depends on how drunk we are or if we are at all
51. Who's the shyest? vergitas ("its good!!")
53. Who do u get advice from? my mel mel
54. Who do u cry to? myself and alk3, nobody really bothers to ask why im crying at the moment, and i like it that way
55. When do you cry the most? when im drunk and singing alkaline trio
56. What's the best feeling in the world? when youre having a great time with good friend(s)
57. Worst feeling?: when you go waaay past drunk and you cant stop throwing up and all you wanna do is sleep
59. Whats the one thing you cant live without? my very good friends of ck and pollo
60. Have you ever lost someone and regretted it? (1234 1234) wooooooah woooooooooah
61. Who sent this to you?: twas stolen from vero
62. Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you? if theyre bored.... i guess