So it has been a little over a month since I cut myself off of twitter. Here is what I have learned:
1. I haven't been spoiled on a show in over a month. I made a brief trip over to twitter tonight just to see what was going on and to see if I felt any nostalgia only to have a huge fat spoiler thrown into my face. Then I remembered the number 1 reason for wanting to leave twitter and that was that half the shows I might have wanted to watch (Dr. Who and Once Upon a Time for instance) had been completely and utterly spoiled for me to the point that it was rather useless to even care about them anymore. Now that I have a Hulu Plus subscription, and I'm catching up on shows, I want to stay surprised and stay away from spoilers as much as possible.
2. I know a lot less about some of you... but at the same time I don't because the content I was getting wasn't really about YOU per say. I miss seeing updates from
marissameyer about her book progress as those were always fun to fangirl over. I miss seeing most of your faces pop up across my feed and know you are well but in the end I realized that most of what is spoken about are things that I'm just not into. I like some YA books (I love all genres) but that is not my main interest and it isn't my life. I'm not a Harry Potter fan. I have no aspirations to be an author myself... and many times I felt a bit left out of conversations because besides the TV shows you guys love to chat about together (and spoil XDDD can I mention that a few more times?) that is about the only content that I see. I can't really relate to that and it feels foreign to try honestly.
3. I love all of you. I miss you a lot. It has taught me how little I share of myself though because I was limiting myself to 140 characters and that just isn't me. I think for now I'll be staying here on LJ and facebook and trying my best to share more and more about my life. I want to be me (and not force myself into a square peg of discussions) and to care about all my friends and support you all. So for now I will keep to places that let me ramble and don't limit me so much. Maybe when I'm cleverer and can fit what I feel into fewer characters I'll come back. :)