Jun 13, 2004 20:33
i have no clue what the hell is worng with me today i mean i totally hate everything the littlest things are pissing me off to a extreme well ummm heres the stupid question *IF A FLY LOST HIS WINGS WOULD IT BE CALLED A WALK* there ya go so post your answers anywayz back to my sad pathetic little life i didnt do anything today i just sat at home and cryed about nothing i mean i cant take anything anymore im drowning in everything like family problems school work i still have to do 3 and a half essays i F*CKING HATE mr.shaw hes so stupid i mean a person can only handle so much work but thats not getting to that morons head he gave me 6 essays and 2 projects and its only been the first week of school i hate him i cant take it anymore im just gonna SNAP i already punched my wall and almost broke my friggin hand it hurts alot but i can take the pain i mean i cant let out my emotions cuz when i do someone gets hurt either mentally or physically so i dont know what to do other then keep it inside for a while till that unlucky person sets off the trigger.