(no subject)

Apr 17, 2006 14:13

A - Available? nope
A - Age: 19

B - Best Friends? Jessi, Kat
B - Birthday? Feb 28, 1987

C - Crush: I crush your head with my pinkies
C - Car: recently jacked

D - Dead Pets Name: Babe muh doggy, Hambone the hamster, and Mayday, Nala and Scooter the bunnies
D - Dads Name: Robert William Newman II
D - Dog: Lucky

E - Easiest person to talk to: Kat, Jessi or Delfy
E - Eggs: i love eggs as long as they're thoroughly cooked
E - Email: jojagirl15@hotmail.com

F - Favorite color? ORANGE!!!!
F - Food: I like food
F - Foreign Slang: Affengeil (Monkeyhorny... German kids say it instead of 'cool')

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: sour octopuses!
G - God: I'm a presbyterian
G - Good Time: DOIN IT! YEAH! lol

H - Hair Color: Red
H - Height: 5'6 ish
H - Happy: My Heating Thingy makes me Happy

I - Ice Cream: chocolate!!!!
I - Instrument: I play the trumpet and the banjo... I have been known to tinker on a guitar or two...
I - Idol: as corny as it sounds, my dad. He knows everything.

J - Jewelry: 12 piercings: 4 lobe, 2 for the orbital, 2 for the industrial, the rook and the tragus AND THE NIPS! <3 nipnips
J - Job: pshaw, like i work

K - Kids: Never. Unless I would sell them on the black market.
K - Karate: 4 years of Kenpo
K - Kung fu: that'd be cool

L - Longest Car Ride: probably driving around Germany
L - Longest Relationship: a year and a half with Hal
L - Longest your hair has ever been: lower back

M - Milk Flavor: 1%
M - Mothers Name: Sonia Lynn Newman
M - Movie Last Watched: LOTR

N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Northern or Southern: Southern
N - Name: Carrie Christine Newman

O - ONE WISH: to already know everything
O - One Phobia: aliens
O - Otter Pop: ...

P - Parents married or divorced: married
P - Part of your appearence you like best: probably my booty.
P - Part of your Personality you like best: Most everything amuses me in one way or another

Q - Quote: "Pig tits"
R - Reason to smile: sunny days
R - Reality TV Show: some. I like Project Runway...
R - Righty or Lefty: righty

S - Song Last Heard: Pieces of Me by Ashley Simpson.
S - Season: Spring, which we seem to have skipped this year
S - Sex: yes please

T - Time you woke up: 12 PM, I missed econ.
T - Time Now: 2:35 pm
T - Time for bed: 2am ish

U - Unknown: if I'll keep HOPE scholarship
U - Unicorns: gay

V - Vegetable you hate: BEANS!
V - Vegetable you love: parsnips
V - View on Politics: conservative

W - Worst Habits: Procrastination
W - Where are you going to travel next? to campus to get my dinosaur on!

X - X-Rays: my feet. I keep breaking them :)
X - tra special someone: DELFIN DIAZ JR.

Y - Year you were born: 1987
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow?: color of baby chikens >_<

Z - Zoo Animal: bears! Even though they're smelly
Z - Zodiac: Pisces
Z - Zoolander?: it was okay
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