Feb 23, 2006 12:00
Because then, all I have to do is make it through the day, and i have reached the weekend! Hooray!
Oh, and here: www.allofmp3.com
if you losers havent already heard of it, it's legal downloads for like, almost nothing. 9, 10, 11 cents a song too high for you? I'd rather get my music legally, and this website excited me :)
I slept until 11:30 today cuz i didnt have english. It was glorious.
I slept in my Heating Thingy's shirt last night because I miss him... but he's coming over tonight, yay! But yeah, I DO have to make it to my statistics class at 1, we're having a "pop" quiz? Wierd.
I wish Natalie was ever here. I miss her. She needs to stop by HER OWN APARTMENT every once in a while. I'm gonna eat her Hello Kitty Pop Tarts to teach her a lesson... or cuz i like pop tarts, hehe.
I hope me and Kat and Andrew end up going tomorrow. I kinda got my hopes up about it, but im sure that Andrew's gonna puss out and go to work. Lamez0rz.
They're putting turnstiles into the other entrance here today. Im gonna kill someone. They need to find a better system. There's THOUSANDS of kids that live here... and they want them to have to come in single file through a turnstile that malfunctions every few turns? GAY! GAYGAYGAYGAYGAYGAY!!!