First off, is that Samwell I see???? sans pink mast...for now!
I really enjoyed the last episode of aGoT. Samwell was FANTASTIC, and the Jon-Samwell interactions just MADE MY DAY. Tyrion continues to be hopelessly rad, and I JUST WANT JON TO TAKE OFF HIS PANTS. OR JAIME. Or even creeper!Viserys.
Also, I am officially in love with Thor. DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A KINKMEME AND IT IS INDEED AS REDONK AS WAS HOPED? I miss the days of super active kinkmemes in my fandoms, I still want Any Lawful Impediment to be updated.
Although I am afraid I might be one of the few 25+ peeps on the Thor kinkmeme. A disturbing amount of peeps have mentioned reading, which... do people do that? /hopeless fangirl snobbishness. I really want to write depressing Thor/Jane where Jane realizes that loving a god is like a broken pencil. Pointless.
Now if you'll excuse me, there needs to be some more Thor gifs on my harddrive. PERHAPS EVEN SOME MACROS WE WILL HAVE TO SEE.