Here is the current A-line MNF Boy body; And someone from the MNF Thread on DOA (pretty much the only thread I currently seem to look into on DOA), managed to snag a couple images of the proposed updates announced by Fairy Land and here is the new A-line MNF Boy body; I'm getting ready to purchase a body for Harker, and think that I am going to stick with getting the Muscular body for him. He's supposed to be effecient at multiple types of weapons, so I think having a bit of physical strength in his appearance would do nicely... of course, considering that I doubt he'd go around topless much, it won't really matter.
For Simon, however, I think that the new, non-Muscular bod would do very nicely, since Simon is the wry, cunning sort. Relying on agility and dexterity, rather than brute strength (is it sad that I've come to view characters in the terms of stats?).
This is yet another reason as to why folk should love FL, they are the only company to offer so much for a single line of dolls.