Joinspree welcomes any interested individual to join us as a spree organiser. To be a spree organiser, you have to be 101% responsible, 101% honest and 101% helpful.
Only approved organisers can start organising sprees in Joinspree.
*updated 6 Sept 2012 3.45PM*
Email Subject: Application for Spree Organiser
Lj nickname:
Full name:
I/C number:
Date of Birth:
Contact number:
Bank name and account number: (the one used for spree transactions)
What kind of spree will you organiser: (Online/Auction) -- SORRY we do not accept anymore supplier spree organisers.
Scanned copy of your I/C.
Spree experiences: (Please provide the URL to your feedback links received from the sprees you organised before. EG: In other community/Auction/Forums)
Reasons for wanting to be a spree organiser: (This is STRICTLY needed for those with no experiences. You are most welcome to state your reasons even if you have experiences.)
If you are below 18 of age OR/AND do not have any spree organising experiences, please provide links to the sprees that you have joined before in the application email. You are required to join AT LEAST 5 SPREES before you can be an approved spree organiser. This is to ensure that you know how a spree is roughly carried out.
All registered and approved spree organisers are to join
joinspreefb before starting any spree. Otherwise, your spree post will not be approved.
Once you are approved, your LJ nick will be up on the List of Approved Spree Organisers and you will receive an approval email from us informing you of your successful application.
Please send in your application only ONCE. Multiple applications will not be entertained.
Your application needs time to be reviewed. Please be patient. We will definitely get back to you even if your application is rejected.
We welcome you to join us on board! (: NOTE: Please join
joinspree as a member before sending in your application. Applicants who are not members of joinspree will not be entertained.
Application to be a Spree Organiser
Please fill up your particulars in the following format and email back to us at: