Please send in any questions. I will reply to you ASAP.
Only join if you're comfortable! VS is usually quite fuss-free and efficient!
Accepting all items. No body splashes or perfumes, as these can't be shipped out of the USA.
Latest --> Accepting clearance item. If you are ordering both clearance and non-clearance items, please post separately in different post. If no shipping is incurred for non-clearance batch, will order all items together. Else will order in different batch. Shipping incurred for clearance items will then be shared.
I am accepting clearance items as a few spree-ers shows interest to order clearance items. I am doing everyone a favour so please keep the post neat.
Joinspreefeedback <+1/-0> My Terms and Conditions - PLEASE READ!
♥ NO PAYMENT = NO ORDER. Orders will be only be taken when payment is received.
♥ No backordered items.
♥ I will not be responsible if the merchant ships wrong/damaged items, or if items get lost in the mail. However, i will do my best to have the problem rectified for you.
♥ All updates will be done via email.
1. Website that you are ordering from: 2. When you will stop taking orders:
Capped at US$250 or may also close earlier
3. Your email address:
4. How spree participants should make payment to you:
DBS/POSB Funds Transfer to POSB Savings 124-52296-0. NO INTERBANK TRANSFERS.
There will be 2 payments:
$3 will be collected for each item first. Topups will be made in the second payment if required. Or refund will be made if in excess.
1st: [Cost of item after discount x 1.47 (exchange rate) + 3 x (no of item)]
2nd: Shipping topups + local postage + $0.50 (handling fee if meetup is not chosen)
5. How you will distribute items:
Local normal/registered postage or mass meetup (either Novena, Orchard or yio chu kang. this will be annouce later).
6. Exchange rate:
USD$1 = SGD$1.47
7. Shipping details:
Will be using Direct International Shipping. Will use the $75 off $250 to offset shipping cost.
If shipping is incurred, shipping cost will be divided by the weight of your items. Will weigh all the items when it comes.
8. Format of order:
♥ Please post your payment and order in the same post. This is to keep the thread neat.
♥ If you want to change your order, please delete the comment and repost a new one.
♥ Please follow the format below strictly.
♥ Add your item to the cart to ensure availability before posting.
♥ Round UP to the nearest $0.01 for amounts greater than $0.005 - not down!
♥ CHECK, CHECK and DOUBLE-CHECK your orders before posting. If you calculated your item cost wrongly, i reserve the right to not accept your order.
♥ Orders may not be edited once i close the spree.
♥ Frozen comments = payment received!
Email address:
Account type and no. (if there is a need for refunds):
Order Type: Clearance / Non-clearance
Item #1
Item name:
Alternative (please provide item name, URL, colour and size):
Price in USD:
Item #2:
Item name:
Alternative (please provide item name, URL, colour and size):
Price in USD:
Total in USD:
Total in SGD: [(Price in USD) x 1.47 +3 x (no of item)] =
Transaction reference: