Aug 24, 2005 20:23
Well this will be my last update for a little while. I leave for Clarkson tomorrow morning. God I don't think I can do this. But I will... its just fun I guess to be dramatic. Scared like crazy. You know, my senior year all I wanted to do was graduate but now that I'm a freshman all I want to do is meet new people but at the same time keep everything the way it was. A word to the seniors... don't wish the time away... it goes fast enough on its own!
But yeah... I've been doing my goodbye thing this week... tough stuff. Although when I was saying goodbye to my brother he asked me if he could fly my kite while I was gone. Don't think it really bothered him much that I was leaving. Well, maybe a little.
Well, i would love to chat more... but I have absolutely nothing to say. Wish me luck!
Jessica Lynne