Jul 17, 2008 19:21
Once was, in fact, all it took, apparently. Just once, and he didn't see her again. Oh, he looked. Of course he looked, what with the rumors. He'd nearly killed Bill Weasley when the nosy bastard had asked him if he'd seen Shady in the last three months.
Of course he hadn't. She'd made it perfectly clear that since he was so happy to go from one woman to another that he could do that. He avoided the Compound, barely managed to survive through Halloween.
Apparently, so had she. He'd heard about it when snow carpeted the ground. He'd been rutting, drunk as usual, when someone banged on the door of his treehouse. Banged, hard.
"IPD - Theon Grayjoy, we need to talk to you."
He tucked himself back into his breeches, and what greeted him, he could never have guessed. The bundle was tiny, both babies wrapped up snuggly. Theon's brows knit, but his face lost all color when he'd been told. First, thoughts rampaged through his head. She was dead. She was gone. She'd vanished.
Then, when he'd calmed down enough, he actually listened. She'd left them for him. She'd run off into the forest, where she still was, but she'd sodding left them, without ever telling him.
He couldn't decide if he was more pissed about that, or furious that she didn't even tell him.