Hello F-list!
I’m totally, sorta alive! Hit a few rough patches there but have I mentioned how awesome my internet friends are? Seriously you guys know who you are and you rock so hard!
So I signed up for NaNo because clearly I had a lapse of judgement…don’t judge me! And now that I’ve hit my 50k mark I’m going to work on some of my WIPs alongside the story I’m writing so yeah I’m jumping back on the Little Red bicycle and please note that
el_gilliath hasn’t offed me in my sleep even though she beta’d the next chapter ages ago and I haven’t posted it *hides*
But that’s it for me, I’ll be spamming you guys with the fics I did manage to get done but other than that I’ll be back …much like the terminator
P.S. Andrew Garfield...the hell happened here? I turn away and sweet Andrew went all bad boy. My heart, dude, my heart!