Title: Draco Malfoy and the Would-Be-Assasin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 250
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Gerard
Disclaimer: I own nada
Summary: There comes a time when every ninja must prove their worth, clearly this is not the time
A/N: Zee crack it lives, also unbeta'd
Draco has just decided to weed the garden when the creature, or as Potter insisted on calling him “Gerard”, launched his first attack of the day.
The sound of something slipping on the glass above him made Draco glance up, just in time to see what would have translated as a very impressive swan dive in a human but for Gerard looked more like someone decided to eject him from a muggle cannon.
The creature had not only overestimated its own aiming skills and missed Draco’s head by at least a foot but it had also somehow managed to loose control over its flailing limbs which didn’t exactly help matters.
The flower hit the ground hard, rolled and quickly hopped up on its roots. Glancing around to see if anyone had noticed his colossal failure
Draco cocked a brow when Gerard’s petal head flicked over him and didn’t even try to hide his smirk “I’ve told you to cease watching those infernal karate movies with Potter.”
Gerard crossed his leaves before kicking a bit of dirt towards Draco with his root and marching off to the other side of the house.
A few moments later Potter stuck his head through the same window
“Hey, have you seen Gerard?”
Draco glanced up at him with a smirk “I believe he is currently reassessing his mission”
Harry scratched his head thoughtfully before grinning in understanding “He tried to ambush you again?”
“At least this time he remembered to open the window first.” Draco snickered.