kids these days.....

May 31, 2007 09:38

The1nOnlyJman: When you learned keyboarding did you learn the phrase, the qucik brown fox jumped over the lazy dog,
johnymeal: yeah
The1nOnlyJman: Like cuz it has every letter, ya?
johnymeal: yes
The1nOnlyJman: THERE'S NO S!!!
johnymeal: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog....
johnymeal: hmmm
The1nOnlyJman: I know omg my friend and I just noticed we freaked out, we felt so lied to hahah
johnymeal: you should write a letter... :P
The1nOnlyJman: Ha to who
johnymeal: yeahhh.. good point....
johnymeal: :P
The1nOnlyJman: :-p
----------------------- 1:46 am -----------------------
The1nOnlyJman: Hooray for overtime
johnymeal: you're still @ work?!
The1nOnlyJman: Just got off
The1nOnlyJman: The last movie didn't get out til 130, this weekend was worse though cuz it was 230
johnymeal: wow
johnymeal: i saw 28 weeks later last night
johnymeal: it was so awesome
The1nOnlyJman: I know!
The1nOnlyJman: Oh ya? Where at
The1nOnlyJman: You should saw it at bella and got free tickets
----------------------- 1:50 am -----------------------
johnymeal: i thought about that
johnymeal: it was a spur of the moment thing tho. we were in issaquah...
The1nOnlyJman: Mhm sure
The1nOnlyJman: :-p
johnymeal: haha
johnymeal: i do still need to see pirates....
The1nOnlyJman: You're full of shit lol
The1nOnlyJman: We have it in 6 out of our 11 auditoriums
johnymeal: well ill let you know when i plan on going.. :P
The1nOnlyJman: Ha definately
The1nOnlyJman: I can hook a nigga up
johnymeal: f'real son...
The1nOnlyJman: Uhh :-p
----------------------- 2:00 am -----------------------
The1nOnlyJman: So what are you up to this late
johnymeal: chillin with the roomies
The1nOnlyJman: Ya I'm chillin by myself :(
----------------------- 2:04 am -----------------------
The1nOnlyJman: How's the quitting smoking going
johnymeal: i quit....
johnymeal: .....about every 2 days
The1nOnlyJman: Ooo
The1nOnlyJman: Hahahha
The1nOnlyJman: Very bad!
johnymeal: :P
The1nOnlyJman: :-p
johnymeal: matts wants me to tell you that you're hella weak
johnymeal: he's pretty drunk tho
johnymeal: he keeps calling me a faggot and then apologizing
The1nOnlyJman: Hella weak? lol
The1nOnlyJman: What's that supposed to mean
The1nOnlyJman: Ha, hmm
The1nOnlyJman: Well he's pretty observant ya I'm pretty weak
johnymeal: lol
johnymeal: he says that to everyone
johnymeal: have you ever seen "billy's hollywood screen kiss"?
The1nOnlyJman: Ha ok
The1nOnlyJman: No, is it hott lol
johnymeal: hahaha
johnymeal: not particularly
johnymeal: but its really good
johnymeal: it just came in the mail today
johnymeal: matt says he's sorry
The1nOnlyJman: Oh shitty
The1nOnlyJman: Ya?
The1nOnlyJman: I bet my hollywood screen kiss would be better
johnymeal: i don't think they could fit your head in the frame....
johnymeal: :P
The1nOnlyJman: Ha matt needs to go to bed :-p
The1nOnlyJman: Is it a movie
The1nOnlyJman: WHAT!
The1nOnlyJman: Calling me egotistical?
----------------------- 2:16 am -----------------------
The1nOnlyJman: I think YOUR head wouldn't fit in the frame :-D
johnymeal: the camera doesn't do me justice anyways...
johnymeal: :P
The1nOnlyJman: True
----------------------- 2:21 am -----------------------
The1nOnlyJman: Fine stop talking
----------------------- 2:25 am -----------------------
johnymeal: sorry. im getting ready for bed.
The1nOnlyJman: Oh
The1nOnlyJman: Lame..
johnymeal: haha
johnymeal: i know...
johnymeal: i gotta open tommorow
The1nOnlyJman: I'm not even tired, so that doesn't seem fair you're going to bed
johnymeal: well, i didn't realize that i was staying awake for you....
The1nOnlyJman: Oh, no?
----------------------- 2:33 am -----------------------
The1nOnlyJman: alright then, john. have a good night, nice talking
johnymeal: likewise, gnight.

I don't like people
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