Jan 08, 2022 18:41
Had a typical Mommyland dream this afternoon. I'd barely dozed off for more than an hour and a half, but somehow managed to havee afull throttle dream with a beginning a middel and and end.
Actually, I'm not sure about the beginning, what it was that landed me on a darkened Jamaica Ave in Queens, NY, waiting for the Q31 bus. In actuality, I'm not sure that bus line exists in real life. But, over the space of the last several years, it has stood for the bus that one takes almost in desperation, late at night, because noothing else seems to be running and because it will take me within walking distance (or, sometimes - flying distance) of Mommyland.
I could see the bus, one of a fleet of 1960s style buses belonging to the Green Line Company before the company was taken over by the City of New York. I was about a block away and if I started running I might just get to the bus stop in time. The streets were slick with driven snow and slush from a day or two before (just like today) and I had to be careful to keep from slipping and falling. But, I did just make it in time.
In fact, the bus was there waiting for me when I arrived. I'm not sure why, but the bus driver was outside on the sidewalk with the bus door ajar. It was almost as it he were expecting me. Or, he might have seen me coming and decided since he had no other passengers, to simply give me a break.
In any event we both entered the bus and almost as soon as we did, the bus driver seemed to change his clothing. He no longer was a bus driver but a businessman of some sort. And, he was very interested in chatting me up about something. He was what we used to describe as a "slick character" back in the day. He looked like the actor, Allan Arbus as he might have appeared in the film. "Greaser's Palace".
Gosh, could my movie references be any more obscure?
Anyway, I've lost the string of where this was going. The putative bus driver and I did have a conversation of some sort. he seemed to want something from me. It could have been something as simple as a cigarette (which I wouldn't have had.) I get the feeling it was about something a little bit more interesting.
allen arbus,