Bing! (Part Two)

Dec 15, 2017 12:41

I finished The Book. It ends on a high note of spirituality. But, as I was just saying, not before you get a heaping, helping dose of Bing and Colette and Crosby and The Mysterious Stranger. At any moment, I thought I might be reading a snippet about myself, the events taking place seemed so familiar as was the voice describing them. Along the way, there was also a very moving story about the death of our Tuskegee Airman veteran, Wesley Henderson, and how it dovetailed with Bing's recovery. And, I can remember being there, at a Cinco de Mayo celebration, when Crosby made the statement that despite not knowing what he wanted to do as a career, the one thing he was sure of was wanting to be "a dad", mainly because Bing was such a good one. There were a number of Zelig moments like that for me in reading Bing's book.

Does it change my opinion about The Bings? No, not really. It actually confirms a lot of what I was able to glean from being friends with Crosby, for however long that lasted: his passionate desire to be independent, Colette's toughness and resolve, The Mysterious Stranger's special place as a role model for his younger sibling - it's all there. I feel special for having been along for the ride.

Gotta go. My countertops have arrived!

books, the crosbys, kitchen rehab

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