Sep 11, 2017 09:57
This was an Altar Guild weekend so there was every bit as much shuttling back and forth to St. Michael's as the weekend before, but, without the stress of a moonshot hanging over it. The first thing I did when I arrived before Kitchen was ask Andrea, who just happened to be putting in some extra hours that morning, to open the mail room. There, sat The Paintings, right by the door. "Oh, those are yours?", exclaimed Andrea, "We were wondering how they got there!" It is indicative of how huge a premium storage space has at St. Michael's that The Paintings were yards away from where I had stashed them and that it only took a week before they apparently found themselves in someone's way (probably, Andrea's) and had to be moved - who knows how many times - in that one confined space.
And, just as I had the Saturday before, I carried them back to The Lower Sacristy where I hoped to keep a closer eye on them during the course of my Altar Guild duties.
Saturday played itself out almost like the week before except in reverse; this time, I met Bing as he was leaving Kitchen, instead of on his way in. He was effervescent as ever. We sat on the garden wall for a few minutes and chatted. And, once again I was struck by how alike he and Crosby are. They are almost the same person except that one lives in a vibrant city that fairly crackles with electricity the moment you leave your front door and the other lives a fairly quiet life in a suburb of Los Angeles.
All indications point to a Moonshot II that was designed to be a much needed party weekend with large portions of penance tucked in-between. Huggy Bear and Conselmo got the party side of it while Bing and Colette and the rest of St. Michael's received the penance side. Crosby wasn't being passive aggressive so much as hungover for much of his visit.
Still, butter will not melt in my mouth and that was the subject of much of The Rector's sermon yesterday morning. Tt was taken almost entirely from Matthew 18:15-20 which says, among other things, "If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. But, if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses." It's a formula for settling disputes within The Body of Christ which was either timely Providential intervention via the Episcopal/Roman Catholic lectionary or another example of The Rector's acute powers of observation. Or, maybe both.
the rector,
saturday kitchen,
huggy bear