Mar 29, 2015 11:11
And, another feast day.
One of the things I failed to mention last week was the return of Rad, one of the last remaining Muses to be heard from since they left St. Michael's for college many years ago. He arrived at Intersection virtually incognito, just as Crosby did a year ago, virtually unrecognizable. His head was buzzcut and his glasses were a world away from the round Harry Potter look he wore when he was in my Sunday School class. I literally had no idea who he was until service was almost over, as we had finished the last hymn. We had exchanged The Peace earlier in the evening with only the merest twinkle in the eye, held hands during the Lord's Prayer, but, here we were now, next to each other around the piano when I turned to him and asked him his name only to do a face palm when I heard his simple response - his Christian name when I realized who it was.
He was in the same state of shock we all were after separation from a great college experience. He was obviously in need of a supportive community, but, it wasn't clear where his sights would eventually settle. It would be great if he returned long enough for me to join everyone for hospitality tonight.