Mar 25, 2012 08:47
I arrived at Mass just in time to hear Hassan reading one of the Bible passages selected for the day's worship. I was so struck by his earnest demeanor and quality of his voice that I stood by one of the columns until he was finished. It was from Ephesians 2:1. Part of it went something like this:
"All of us once lived among them in the passions of our flesh, following the desires of flesh and senses, and we were by nature children of wrath, like everyone else."
The jusxtaposition between Hassan's calm, patrician demeanor and the words of the epistle were very compelling.
For the rest of the service, I couldn't help recalling Rev. Liz's words from the week before, about the ideal nature of the St. Michael's community. I thought about how precious all my friendships there were -- and about how evanescent they all were. I thought about Miss Honey, Alcoa, Crosby, John the Presbyterian, Fr. Lou, Fr. Mennell, New Peter, Fr. Ed, Rev. Kate, -- The Rector. I thought of Joe Piazza. Few of those relationships would or could survive outside the confines of St. Michael's, with its enormous generosity and tolerance - and, flair.
I was grateful when during The Peace, lots of people began wishing me happy birthday (it was listed in that morning's announcements) and after service, when John S. came over and started talking with me. I am always acutely aware that he is essentially "at work", which makes such moments all the more special.
Richard came over and wished me happy birthday, as did Pale Male and Trino. I got hugs and Trino and Pale Male to me out to lunch.
pale male,
john the seminarian,
joe piazza,
john the presbyterian,
miss honey,