Fifteenth Sunday of Pentecost 2010

Sep 09, 2010 07:30

Richard and Old Peter were away (again) for the weekend so I pinched hit as an acolyte. The ancient brass crucifix is wobbly and threatens to fall off its pike and the smock I chose to wear nearly touched the floor so I had to leave one button loose at the bottom just to allow "kick-room" when I climbed the altar steps. But, otherwise things went well.

Rev. Kate delivered the homily and as far as I can tell, it was another in a long line of sobering thoughts during this pentecostal season having mainly to do with service to the church. I think the Gospel contained that passage about they who wish to follow the path of Jesus must hate their father and mother -- a thoroughly confusing Biblical passage if ever there was one. I don't remember clearly how Rev. kate apporached it, but, I think she did the best she could by essentially saying, the passage shouldn't be taken literally. Or, something like that.

The New Seminarian made an appearance, this time in the company of a young woman. He mixed pretty well during Coffee Hour, but, on the whole seemed to confine himself to toddlers and or their parents. At one point he made a bee-line toward Frontpage. They seemed to hit it off well and I guess with little Benjamin in his arms, Frontpage projects that "Safe, Heterosexual Guy" look. It was at about that point that I thought to myself, "My god, they're made for each other."

john the seminarian

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