Jan 12, 2008 12:29
My mood lightened considerably last night after Kelvin called. Really, he has become a key person in my life. We call it, that "******* thing", after our mothers' maiden name. We just know when the other one is in trouble or needs a little help. It's alnost like twins.
I was lying in bed; it was six o'clock and I was already in my pajamas. Earlier, I had made sure nothing in the apartment required throwing down the garbage shute or carrying to the laundry room. I was in no mood to see or be seen by anybody.
Then, the phone rang. It was almost certainly a telemarketer. But, then again, it might also be Barbara calling about the audition.
It was neither. It was Kelvin, following up on a conversation we'd started alittle while ago, shortly after New Year's.
It concerned the summer house, specifically what to do about the bathroom. The house is a sweet deal overall, but, the tub is so old, the rubber decals have become part of the enamel. No amount of scrubbing is ever going to make it look new again.
It's a stupid subject. But, somehow it got me out of my funk. Kelvin loves talking about practical things like that and it's almost infectious. We laid all sorts of plans to do the work this summer.
This morning was the first Saturday in at least a month that I haven't had to drag myself to the rehearsal studio. It felt good to sleep in. I would have stayed in bed longer but for the construction going on in various parts of the neighborhood. A jackhammer starts exactly at 7:00 which is when I normally get up. So, I don't usually mind it.
But, today I did mind. It has been incessant the entire day. I've had to have the radio playing just to mask it a little bit. I'm assuming it's like this six days a week.
Anyway, I've been to the market and back. Had breakfast. I even laid back down in my stocking feet across the bed. Dozed for about half an hour. I woke to something soothing and contemporary on the classical music station. Not a bad way to spend the morning.
But, I can't spend the whole day in bed. I have to get out and about. I've decided to walk across the Ugly Bridge and pick up some prescriptions in the Village. I may see, "And There Will Be Blood" a little later. Depends how tired and hungry I am after the bridge walking.
a solid weekend,
southern comfort,
solid weekend