Hells yes. This is my copy of Tales of the Abyss, signed by none other than Yoshito Higuchi, director of Tales of Symphonia and chief director of Tales of the Abyss and the upcoming Tales of Vesperia:
My incredibly awesome partner Hiroko was coordinating some interviews with the Tales guys earlier today, and she graciously pulled Higuchi-san aside and asked him to sign it for me, knowing how much of a fan I am of the game. Abyss is my favorite of all the Tales games released thus far (it's Higuchi-san's favorite, too), and was one of the first major titles Hiroko and I worked on after we started up our localization company 8-4 back in 2005. That summer was a total nightmare for us (we worked on Tales of the Abyss, Rogue Galaxy, and Baten Kaitos Origins...at the same time), but in the end, all three games turned out well, and I look back on those days fondly.
I'm pretty confident Tales of Vesperia is gonna be fantastic, but in the meantime, if you like RPGs and haven't played Tales of the Abyss yet, try it out! If you can deal with slightly excessive load times (I usually can't, but Abyss was so good I kept at it all the way through), I think you'll find it's easily one of the best RPGs on PS2.