Jan 23, 2005 11:28
well its been a while since i've updated but o well cuzz i am now well umm life is ok school is boring freshman/jv only have one week of wrestling left :.( lol umm every one come to our last home meet on wednesday against sandra day o conner it will be good uhh well lately i've been doin wrestling and thats about it friday we had no practice so i went to willis to go to wrestling and lacrosse practice and at lacrosse me and another kid got to be coaches because willis had a silver vs blue scrimmage it was fun except my team lost o well it was cool then friday night i spent the night at jons thuan was there and we just watched movies napolean dynamite donnie darko anchorman harold and kumar and uhh i think thats it it was fun then sat i went to my sisters cheer comp then we drove her all the way to prescott and then dropped her off and drove all the way home it was boring kinda a waist of 5 hours if u ask me lol then today i woke up did yard work for 2 hours and now im waiting for football to start thats about it COMMENT