Feb 26, 2007 04:47
the one type of friendship that you know will never go away is the type that is based on respect. that is why i never worry about keeping in touch with some people, though it still is a bonus.
i found, or rather remembered, that i do have some of my esteemed aim logs. basically i have them from winterbreak freshman year of college to present. (i dont have anything from last semester, but i was only on last semester like once. and the only conversation that i remember having i doubt ill ever forget. besides that one was mainly over the phone.) i had already lost late summer before freshman year to that winterbreak, which is annoying because i used aim a lot then and i just lost everything from high school. i still have some logs on my home computer, but those are basically from college on.
anyway, all that merely reminded me that i lost something else this winter break: my old phone. it had some stuff that i can easily get back, like phone numbers that i never bothered to transfer over (which is why i was bringing it with me in the first place), but it also had pictures and text messages. it is sad to lose these things, but, given the choice i'd rather have my aim logs back. i probably wouldn't had missed them nearly as much, had i not looked them up right before coming back. it really is funny how life works out.
oh man. i was talking about my dreams for the second time in forever today. it's weird to think that dreams have meaning, but i suppose it's stranger still to think that they have no meaning at all. that said, i always feel weird when i have a dream that i remember. at least i rarely remember dreams. but the fact that i've had two over the past week or so that are very similar is starting to throw me off.
then again, it could just be the insomnia that is allowing me to think a bit more these days.