Jan 19, 2008 11:55

Cloverfield... I enjoyed it. Unlike "the Blair Witch Project" I am happy, VERY HAPPY to say that you actually get to see the big mysterious threat. Of course, much is not explained like exactly what it is or where it came from or why it's doing what it's doing but you actually get to SEE IT! I know "blah blah blah, piss, moan, blair witch was scary because you don't get to see the actual monster, ETC ETC you use your imagination" Well I wanted to see it and I was bummed that I didn't in Blair Witch. Just gimme a foot or something. A misty hand. That's all I asked for. DE-nied. Not this time! HAHA All my whining about Blair Witch paid off.

Cloverfield. The camera was shaky and it raises all kinds of questions like "why did everyone go along with the friend to rescue the love interest? Why did the camera guy always carry the camera?" OK, for you overly critical snobs, they dealt with those problems and explained that stuff away. I felt like they did an ok job about that. There were several times when they say "you dumb fuck, put down the camera and HELP US!" That was enough for me.
The backstory leading up to the big monster attack was pretty dumb and after about 15 minutes I was bored as shit. I even turned to Blimpy and whispered "OK, let's see the fuckin monster already!"
And honestly, the acting was not convincing. I didn't buy any of those actors or find them believable. Maybe the cameraman, but he was the only one and you only get bits and pieces of him. They were going for an "amatuer" affect obviously because it was supposedly shot on a home video camera, I even took that into consideration. But no, I'm sorry, it wasn't good acting.

We went with Amanda's two new roomates who I LOVE! Those guys are awesome. They are both 20, a young gay couple and I realize we keep calling them "Amanda's new gay roomates". I think we mostly do it for comic affect than anything else, but I may've slipped with our new keyboard player who is a lesbian when I invited the band out to the movie. I was like, "hey! You guys should all come see 'Cloverfield' with me and Amanda and her gay roomates." Charlie pointed out to me that this could be construed as offensive. I didn't think twice about it, I just said it. That could be interpreted as me saying "her 'stupid' and/or 'lame' roomates". Which if you know me, gay to me just means 'cool' in most contexts. But then Danielle is new and isn't totally familiar with Variable Stars vernacular. Then also noted, I didn't have to bring up the fact that they were gay. Would I have said "Amanda's new black roomates?" or "Amanda's new asian roomates?" if they were either of those things? Probably not. I think what prompted me to say that was that whenever I hear that "hey! come hang out with me and so-and-so" I think "cool!" Then they mention roomates and I think "oh shit.. I don't know them. They probably suck. Fuckin dumbass roomates, I like you and I like so-and-so, but I don't want to hang out with some lame fuckers I don't know." That must've been it. And these kids (Michael and Dustin) are rad guys and are truly a cute couple. So I guess I figured it was a good selling point. Cute gay couple! Come hang out! And maybe others would be more inclined to come along if they knew these guys were cool. Oh well. *shrug*
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