Hey, Lloyd I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken

Sep 14, 2007 11:03

It's true! I am. Damn the torpedoes.
I still fear karma. I've broken hearts, and I've had my heart smashed. I've been lied to, I've been careless, I've been mean, I've been mistreated, cheated on, dumped, I've been cold, I've had others be cold to me. I just hope it all adds up to zero at this point. I like to think that in my past relationships I was nothing but honest and entered with the best intentions. But you know what they say about the road to hell *shrug*

I did some really stupid shit while trying to install this Garageband Jampack Khoi gave me and I ended up having to re-install MAC OS X. I will spare the details of the why and the how, but I ended up erasing EVERYTHING from my computer's hard drive. But thank God AGAIN because I had all my Garageband songs and iTunes library saved onto an external hard drive. The only bummer is I lost my play counts. BOO!!!!
Now I just have to get that rythm JamPack back again, along with the symphony orchestra loops jamPack. Then I'll be back in business.
At first I thought such a major mistake might be a blessing in disguise. So I could get off my ass and start saving for a better computer and maybe update to "logic" for music editing.

I went to a Giant's game with Todd and Amanda on Wednesday night, poor Amanda was sick as a dog. :( But she hung in there like a champ and waved the foam finger as we rooted in vain for the Giants to win. Really now, who are we kidding? But it was really cute. I think it was akin to a wounded soldier fighting with all his remaining strength, fueled by fervorous love for God, country and comrades. Man, I really need to get a digital camera :)
Life is really good right now.

The Variable Stars had a blast playing "Barefoot Coffee Roasters" in Santa Clara with our best band friends "the Corner Laughers". It is something we all agreed we want to do again. A mellow set with brushes on the drums, minus complex keyboard set up and the ability to hear our own singing voices.. this definitely calls for an encore!
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