(no subject)

Mar 30, 2009 09:07

I'm not sure if i'm incredibly selfish or I'm just not good with dates but I can't ever remember anyones birthday ever. I am pretty sure today is my mom's birthday but i definitely am second guessing myself. The only birthday i remember is my sister, mike mead, sage, and my friend erin: but its only because they're all on the same day. other than that i have a really hard time remembering exact dates. usually i'm like "hrm....i think my dad's birthday is soon...".
It kind of makes me feel like a jerk but i have a hard time caring about a day that i barely remember when it pertains to me. but i guess that is exactly what makes me a jerk (not caring about things other people care about)?

Ran into my friend steve this weekend. he's on that ghost hunter show on discovery or sci-fi or something. i dunno. i don't think i've ever watched it(but apparently lots of other people watch it because dudes kept buying him...and for some reason me....drinks). but we had drinks and shots and it was a good time. Always good to see wmass kids outside of wmass.

I'm going to try to make next weekend a stay in and do nothing weekend. I need some relax time.
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