Oct 12, 2008 18:20
I love it when I have a number of songs I can listen to nonstop. Really helps narrow down the choices on the ipod. I'm finally done with community service. I really don't have anything left to do for my probation now except ride it out. Looking back, I find it so funny how so many people I know used the fact that I had a DUI to lecture me and pretty much preen their own feathers at my expense. I guess it helps them forget that they have the same or worse habits than me. Probably helps them rationalize their own excesses. Oh well. Hypocrites initially amuse me, then they bore me, and finally they begin to annoy me. I'm very happy with myself. Not one one things I can put my finger on except that nagging feeling of forward movement. Of achievements accomplished. I guess the only upside to being in the bottom of the shit barrel is the smell of fresh air when you climb out. I'm doing very well in all my classes. Pretty much leading the class in everything. I got a B on my science test and I was like fuck an 88 and then the teacher was like well be proud because only you and one other student scored as high. Straight, I can live with that. Unless the other student is that douche rag who I've had for like 4 semesters. The one who can't shut the fuck up. God I hate that kid. I hate it when people just talk to hear the sound of their own voice. This kid literally would just repeat what the teacher would say sometimes. Or launch off into some diatribe or boring ass anecdote. I hate being stuck like that. One of the kids from group therapy was also doing community service at the park and he was telling me all these stories about the new kids. God I wish I had been there when that fat guy had said he was a sex addict and used to fuck the homeless. I would've bathed every pore of my body in that awkward silence. Its funny how just when you think someone could care less about your friendship, they go off and prove that they adore you. I hope that I never become that person who knows they aren't welcome but still try to stick it out as long as possible. I've probably been unwanted plenty of places, but I most likely never picked up on the subtle clues. With or Without You is playing. I fucking usually hate u2 but that song never fails to get me. And I wait without you. God it's so good. Its the only time I'll allow Bono to be discussed as a human being. I really want to write a sitcom but could I live with myself if I copied It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and screwed the gang over? Well I'm pretty sure I could never beat them. Well, atleast never find any other actors with mannerisms as funny as their. I fucking love Charlie. He's my favorite character hands down. Then it probably would have to be Dee just because of some of the lines she has during my two favorite episodes(Mac is a Serial Killer, The Gang Dances Their Asses Off). Charlie Day is so hilarious. They all are. If I could hang out with anyone from showbiz it would be them. Fuck Seth Rogen and his weirdo friends. I fucking swear Michael Cera is really starting to get on my nerves. The same fucking act. It's not even wildly funny, which would have justified its continued use. And fucking fat fuck Jonah Hill. You were only mildly funny in Grandmas Boy so settle the fuck down. SNL is going through a renaissance. I'm glad I've caught enough of it. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin is hands down the best political impersonation SNL has done in a very long time. Maybe even of all time.