Ok. Happy late February, everyone! :)
I feel inclined to write about stuff. So, here I be, and here I am. Yesterday, Phil saw his shadow. Like he does every year. Only THIS year instead of watching this silly event from my dorm room or hearing about it from my home sweet bed, or some other far-flung exotic locale, I was viewing it from a dentist
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he's SUPPOSED to people-talk to the mayor ("whisper in his ear") or the mayor understands phil-speak and then proclaims wat the 'dog only tells him. AS IF HE is soooooooo important.
wat do you mean by chinese people don't bother with teeth? everyone AND their monkey's uncle has to be bothered by teeth. is it because you guys and gals take better care of them or something?
wait. did you have to get your wisdom teeth out at least? *sigh*
i'd get my tat in a place that violated BOTH of those rules tho, kylie. *lol* and for that matter, wat parts do you call inappropriate? cuz you see i was thinking of getting a zigzag lightning bolt or chinese dragon right starting from below my collarbone and just upon my right you know where and then have it extend all the way down my right arm to my wrist wrapping itself around the arm 360 degrees as it goes down. ;) i like YOUR idea too tho. where do you think you would get it?
also - age like a beast? is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Yuuuummmmmm. Shea butter is sounding more and more good. :) neosporin is good too, but i dont have any unfortunately.
I don't think I even grew out my wisdom teeth yet.
WOW. Crazy tat idea. Well, I don't want the tattoo to be too visible in that it will always be shown no matter what I wear (except long sleeves). And I just don't want it to get in the way of me getting a professional job, you know? Let's say I try to get a job at a law firm... or some business company. They don't really want a person with a constant visible tattoo. Inappropriate as in a tramp stamp. =P Or on my butt or near my vag.
That's a bad thing. Beast = ugly.
Neosporin is amazing. I live off of it. XD
that COULD actually be a good thing about your wisdom teeth tho, kylie, cuz they aren't causing any cavities by rubbing against your other back teeth. of course, inversely, they might CUT them out (not just pull or drill) since they never came out at all. but of course since you don't go to the dentist (regularly?), then you might never have to know the pain that you are luckily gonna miss that i am gonna go thru very very soon. *wails* why can't i be from a chinese family?!
i think my sentiment on tats is something akin to "why get one if no one can see it?" besides, jusyt because you've got a tattoo, doesn't mean you can't work a corporate job and be very good at it. besides that's the kind of stuff that most discrimmination suits are madde of nowadays...No vag or butt stamps for me tho thanks! that hurts me just by typing them...*lol*
I don't think my wisdom teeth are out yet, so I'm not worried. My mom didn't get them till she was like 23 or something.
I think once I get a steady job, then I'll get a tattoo, especially when I have a boyfriend. =P Oh god, no tatts there! Just on my wrists, maybe back of my neck, ankle, lower hip area.
Again! LUCKY YOU! ;)
All I need NOOOOOOOW is (which is almost the same as you) a steady job during which i can meet the man of my dreams. ;)
WAT would you get a tat OF tho??? something sentimental like jason's name (*lol*)? something cultural like a chinese dragon (COOL!)? or something entirely different (*is curious*)?
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