so0o0o0o0 much fun

Jul 02, 2005 23:03

aight well the begining of my day was so boring. mitch effing called me at 9am and woke me up and was like hey man me and rev will be home in 4 hours (from maryland). and i was like wtf but he woke me up and i just like ate and went on the computer. but then mitch and rev came over at like 4. and we just pissed around and talked and shit till like 6. and we heard there was a fair in McDonald. so me and mitch went and rev stayed home. and the dam fair was so boring. so jim ,sean , and me got in Chris Clarks car and went to McDonalds. Chris order first and got a 10 piece nugget. then sean and jim order and got 20 so i said ok give me 20 too. and chris ask me wat we got and i told him and he was like shit so he stole 5 of jimmys. and jimmy didnt notice for like 15 minutes and was like jsut talkin and shit and then he opens up hes second set of 10 piece nuggets and there was only 5 so he starts yellin and shit and was like Chris u effing took him and chris was like no way man and we where yellin and shit and chris was like go get ur money bak dog. there was alot more convosation but jimmy tought the fuckers jsut forgot 5 of his nuggets and he was pissed.(yea jim, chris took them. lmao). but then when we where done chris had all of these fireworks tht jimmys dad gave him cuz jims dad has so much. and chris got this huge idea and was like put all the extra sauce and shit into this XL cup. it was full. so we went up to the McKee elementary school and shit and we put like 3 ''M-500'' in it. it like exploded. so we went to revs and met up with pat and sutto. it was boring so we went to the baseball field tht is in the bak of the PTI and jsut shot bottle rockets everywhere. it was so funny. rev was sittin in the car heatin up the cigeret lighter so he could lite some bottle rockets on fire. but pat lite one and shot it in the sutto's car and sutto and rev were in there and it blew up in the fucking car. it was halarious. rev fliped out it was on his shoulder and it like burned suttos shity interior. the dam car sucks neways. but we all jsut got home and it was a long night and im with rev now so we r going to chill.


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