Mar 02, 2005 16:14
So it has been awhile since I last updated on here. Figured while I got a minute or so, that I would inform my fan club (if I have one) on what is happening in my life.
Tonight, I play football at 10:10pm against our other Sigma Nu team. We were going to be playing us 5 against their 7 or 8 in 4 v 4 but, we got a good thing now. Curtis, a brother of mine, will now be playing with us on team 2 to beat team 3. Definitely a help out when we need it. I was getting a little worried so thank God he is now with us. We have a very good chance of stomping them now.
Today, I slept a lot. I seem to set my alarm and somehow during my HARDCORE NAPPAGE turn it off without knowing and sleep an extra few hours. That's fine and all but not good if I need to get up for something important. Like food. That's what I'll be doing here next after this update. I'm thinking on some jambalaya.
Today I took my first midterm in Theatre Survey and believe I got a solid A for it. I knew pretty much everything on it and I don't think I could have done any worse than an A. So, I am pretty happy with it all.
I tried on Fat Titties 5XL jacket this morning for kicks and it was huge. I didn't even get my elbows in the sleeves that's how big it was. I thought it was funny along with our crowd of people walking and FT got a phone pic of it. Golden.
I am definitely not looking forward to Monday. I have 29 pages of biology to study for. I don't like bio. I dont like the class. I don't like it at all. I don't want to have to learn 29 pages of useless info I will never use ever again. Stupid, stupid, stupid classes they make us take. Well, I got a 70 on the last one so I am hoping for a 95% on the next 2 tests to pull off an A for the semester but a B for it would be fine with me. I don't like studying that much stuff for one class. It doesn't make learning or school fun.
Hmm....what else.....I went back to church with Tasha again to see if I would like the church on Sunday's better. I definitely did. It was very nice and even though I didn't meet many people, it felt warm and together. Much like RRPC once was but now seems to be falling out of the mix. That saddens me about my old church. Our "close" friends in the church didn't even seem to care about us leaving. No phone calls. No, "what happened to you guys?" or anything. Kinda pisses me off but I guess it stems to where that church is heading. Doesn't seem like up right now.
Well, I am definitely hungry and need some food. Be on more I hope and next time have something more exciting for you all to hear about. Peace.