So sue me.

Apr 24, 2007 21:08

Uhm...I'm watching House right now and it's awesome. I now reside with a Wii, and actually rather enjoy Twilight Princess.

However, I feel as if I should ground my friends. The frequency at which I find them playing hooky and spending the dwindling hours of daylight in my bedroom is escalating to a blur. For a pair of young people billed to be extra extra smart and capable, we sure are scraping the bottom of the effort barrel.
Let's hope they never really experience life at the bottom of the abyss they flirt with.

This will be the last I will mention of this matter. My friends are adults and know what they're doing. Sometimes better than I do. I will not ground my friends, for if they were to stop visiting me I would be a lonely man indeed.

Still haven't really touched Pokemon Pearl. I mean, I started with it, but beyond that, nada. I can feel the space between the iron gates of this semester narrowing as the exodus of stragglers and those of us barely hanging on withers to a crawl.

Sure Cathy--I'm more than happy to give you ideas for new food. But I have to admit this might be better facilitated with an accompanying willingness to buy your groceries elsewhere. I recommend Wegmans, if you have the means.

Let's get it out of the way.

Breakfast...leftover fettuccine Alfredo and green bean casserole (the tastey kind),
Lunchish~...Cup of coffee (I know, I know...), 1 piece of pizza (shut I know!),
Dinner...same thing I had for Breakfast haha, and a large bowl of salad w/ croûtons and sliced almonds

Sometimes I wonder, "What has Denny Crane done now?"
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