Good Stuff

Dec 07, 2007 10:36

This is a powerful player resource to advance the story not a character resource to win a conflict. Players may hold on to an amount of Good Stuff during a session equal to their Passion. Unspent Stuff may be used at any time.

Gain Good Stuff for in the game for playing well, involving Connection, accepting Aspect Compels and resolving Passions.  Characters start game with Good Stuff = Total Passion. 
  • Conflict involving a Passion gain Good Stuff equal to Passion
  • Conflict involving a Connections gain 1 Good Stuff
  • An Aspect is Compelled gain 1 Good Stuff
  • Getting screwed by the GM or another player (such as losing a Conflict or dealing with a new adverse situation) gain 1 to 5 Good Stuff

Uses for Good Stuff:
  • Make a Declaration of Fact (Subject to GM veto) costs 1 Good Stuff
  • Influence or set a Scene costs 1 to 2 Good Stuff
  • Influence a Conflict (See Game Mechanics Section)
  • Avoid an Aspect Compel costs 1 Good Stuff
  • Create a Connection costs 2 Good Stuff and decreases your Good Stuff available by 1 (more on this in the Conflict and Resolution discussions)
  • Create a new Passion costs 1 Good Stuff and an in character reason for the Passion (usually winnning or losing a Conflict dramatically)

rpg, amber

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