Originally published at
Grasping for the Wind. Please leave any
comments there.
For a time, I reviewed short fiction for The Fix. That site went defunct about a year ago, but some of the reviewers and editors have banded together to create a new short fiction review site called
The Portal. Val Grimm is serving as editor-in-chief, with Elizabeth Allen as editor. The launch is scheduled for World Fantasy In October.
I think the extra special thing about The Portal is that they are going to have a heavy focus on international fiction as well as fiction published in English. To that end, they have established bureau heads for different regions of the world. But I’ll let them explain:
Although we do intend to review work in English, we will give equal emphasis to providing English-language coverage of short fiction markets, anthologies, and genre literary activities in many language communities around the world. Our goal is to publish at least one article from each region or language for which we have a bureau head in each monthly issue; bureau heads will write these pieces themselves or delegate them to fellow critics in their area. For regions with less activity, we’ll take quarterly or yearly reports from our coordinators.
They are looking or reviewers willing to work as volunteers to help them get the site up and running. I am unable to participate due to other commitments but it you are reviewer, I highly recommend working with these good folks. They sure could use a few good reviewers.
Find out how to join them at
their website.